I have had a long 24 hours... estoy muy cansada...
It started out at Wall Street. Wall Street, Guadalajara, the club. Salsa night. Whoah. Salsa is pretty difficult to learn. You need just the right partner, the right chemistry, to flow. It took me 4 hours to come across a good dance partner, Jesus. He bought me a chela and told me I would be able to salsa after he was done with me. He was right. Dancing in Mexico is great because you just dance, there are no pretenses with who you're dancing with. You don't stick to just one person all night, and just because you dance with someone doesn't mean the two of you are going to frolic off in to the night to bang. Perfect. Tranquilo. Jesus was great because though he taught me the basic rules of salsa, he also let me add my own flavor (crazy Norte Americana) to our dance. Its like having a conversation. Salsa is hard for me because the man leads, and if any of you have ever seen me dance, you'd know that I'M the leader. Always. Jesus let me dominate some. It was a good balance. Anyways, the gals and I ended up being quite popular with the local salsa instructors at the club.
Of course we did. The babe in the boots below is me, dancing with my new friend Louis from D.F. ¿Que suave, no?

So after dancing, we had a bite at the Mexican "perros calientes" stand right next to Wall Street and headed home. We got there at 4:30 am. Just in time for 2 1/2 hours of drunk sleep before class. Daphne ditched class completely. Moni and I managed to keep our eyes open during the classes, but we all bailed on clinical today.
Unfortunately, shortly after we got back to Leticia's house, we were evicted from it for reasons so highly personal (no, we didn't do anything wrong) that I don't need to write about here. It was really sudden and shocking. It kind of reminded me of last Spring when my house burned down. This added to my already taxing day. I'm pretty sad about it, the family is really cool. I probably won't see them again, and we had to leave so suddenly without much of a goodbye. What a bummer. I will miss them, especially Paco and Bronson. The coolest dudes.
So now us gals live with this guy, also named Jesus (that makes the total number of Jesuses I have had the pleasure of knowing come to 4 in 2 weeks. I am going to keep a tally of them throughout this blog). He doesn't live with any family, but he now is the proud parent of 4 gringas and 3 Mexican medical students also studying at the Universidad Autónomo de Guadalajara (Jesus, Oscar, Manuel). The place is really nice. There is a roof terrace to hang out on. It seems to be in a busy part of the city (really really close to Wall Street! Full circle!!!). Jesus is a cook (YES!) and he runs a to-go restaurant out of a window at the front of his house. He is also the first man in México I have seen wearing short shorts. All very good signs. Speaking of signs, this is Jesus' restaurant sign:
So its Friday. Friday the 13th actually. I should be doing something fun with Moni, Daphne, and our newest extrañera addition, Krystal, but we are all beat and I am going to bed. More adventures to come tomorrow. I am excited to be spending my first weekend in Guadalajara!
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