Just got back from Tepito- its the birthday of the Santa Muerte. So amazing! There was this huge block party by her shrine and everyone was carrying around their own Santa figures for people to bless with oils, candy, money, and cigarettes. There was a bunch of people smoking weed and I guess trannies really like Saint Death because we saw a few of them all dolled up. I saw a guy shotgun his cigar in the face of people's Santa statues. The whole thing was amazing. I got a really good air-brushed baseball hat with her on it in a graveyard. It says "Santisima Muerte" on the front and "Madre Mio" on the back. Hot. I'm not sure if its kosher to wear it in Mexico. The "Culto de Santa Muerta" takes her very seriously and a gringa sporting Muerte attire may be offensive or absurd for some Mexicans.
Worship to her used to be banned by the Catholic church. Apparently she is a favorite among gangsters and other seedy types. I am lucky to be in D.F. right now because the largest group of people who worship her are here. Her shrine is near the Piratereria- the section of town with a huge market selling pirated goods. What a good day!
Tonight I am going to see Polka Madre with my sister and her friends Lorena, Jerry, y Jorge. Hells yea!
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