Yes, of course this weekend was fun! I went to the town of Tequila, Jalisco. And yes, this amazing town exists. The gals and I bought tickets to ride the "Tequila Express", a train ride that included all the tequila, beer, and NEW MIX (an amazing combination of soda and tequila in four saborosa flavors; Sangrita, Vampiro, Paloma Mango Picante, or Toronja Squirt!!!) we could hold down, snacks, a mariachi band all day long, lunch, a tour of the new and old Casa Herradura tequila factory, charros, baile folklorico, and a dance contest...OH MY!!! I think the best thing I saw was the cutest littlest charro boy really killin it with his tiny little lasso. A charrito I guess.

¡Tan effing precioso!
I love New Mix. I am going to come back home with a huge New Mix panza. Word on la terraza is you can buy a 2 liter of the stuff for only 40 pesos! Beats the hell out of Mad Dog!
It was great seeing how tequila pura is made, even better that we were sippin on 'quila and juice as we walked the tour. The lunch and show were excellent (well, Krystel has been barfing all day since, so I guess the lunch wasn't all that excellent. Sorry sista.). The mariachi band was on point. I got to hear Celito Lindo, which is the only Mariachi song I can sort of sing along to (and I did "sing" along to it). Best of all, minus a minor headache towards the end of the trip, I felt great the whole time! I mean, really great! Before we left I was worried one of us was surely getting alcohol poisoning....
...So we drank on the Express tour from 11am to 7:30pm. Then Monica and I went to Balibar where we continued the cocktail hour(s). We managed to break up a relationship while we were there! Goes like this; oldish dudes want to hang out with the guera girls (that would be us) because "they're bored". Mister Receeding Hairline in dire need of hair plugs (maybe possibly wearing hair plugs?) starts hitting on us a little after his really cool girlfriend shows up. Hairline asks me if I want to kiss him when I am asking him how to nicely blow off his girlfriend's brother who has been hounding me all night and keeping all the attractive men from dancing with me. Girlfriend sees Hairline skeezing on me and asks me whats up. I tell her exactly what happened and Moni confers the girlfriend's man is a puto. Moni and Girlfriend go talk to the cuter Venezuelan guys across the bar while I go dance with someone else and they ask GF who she came with. GF says she came with her brother and her EX NOVIA and scores the cutest one's phone number plus my email address, "So that me, Monica, and homegirl can go someplace cooler and pick up guys sometime soon." Ain't that some drama?! Love it. Although I can't remember her name, I hope we hang out with that chick again.
The guys we met were super cute. Super cute, and super young. The guy buying me drinks the rest of the night was 20. I am such a Cougar!
This morning I got up early to go to El Parque de la Revolución in the City Center. Someone from last weekend told me that every Sunday from 10-12 a bunch of people meet there to do Capoeira. So much fun! The maestro, José, and his 11 year old son, José refreshed my memory on the few moves I could remember. It was super fun. The whole Capoeira group was nice to hang with. I will be back the remaining Sundays I'm here in Guadalajara. Can't wait to back flip on yo ass! That park was great. There were giant chess and domino sets that anyone could play with. Tons of people chilling and hula-hooping. The coolest part, the city shuts down one of the main streets that runs by the park (Avenida Juarez, if you're ever in town on a Sunday) for bicyclists and skaters. Made me miss my little bici soOooOOoOoo much!
So yea, thats it for now. More exciting adventures to come after my tests tomorrow and the next day in school. I am giving an oral presentation on Leukemia in class on Tuesday!
¿qué es mariada?
ReplyDeletedude, i am struggling with swarming 20-year-olds too. though there is one cool one (maybe he's 23), who we actually met at Ghislain Poirier. he's the dude with braces who asked me if i ever get in fights and i told him about hitting ryan queen over the head with a roller skate. i ran into him again at a show; i was impressed because he remembered my name while i didn't even remember giving him my name. i didn't even remember talking to him... he remembered you, too, by the way.
but yeah, i need to figure out a strategy. going out alone rules, but i think if i am going to keep from squandering opportunities to talk to cool people because of not being able to shake off lame people, i am going to have to do something differently. perhaps take initiative for mingling on my own. not my steez, but it will keep me from being a sitting duck for douche kebobs.
i also got in the middle of a couple fight, btw, but it was the girl who was being lame, not the guy. there may have been some back story that i'm not aware of, though, too. when they left she was crying. your story is better. i hope you guys chill with that chick.
do you have a phone yet?
Yes! I got a telcel! I will email you the number. I tried to chat you up on skype, but couldn't figure out how.
ReplyDeleteThe 20 year old won't stop calling me. Super annoying.