Last night Polka Madre played a show at El Centro Cultural de España. They played with Dolomites- dude looks like a taller, crazier Curtis Grimstead:

Whoah. Dolomites sang the old Lizzie Borden had an axe, gave her mother 40 whacks song, but added that she cooked her mom's tits (he called them amigas!) in garlic and her dad's huevos in paprika. If you ever have the opportunity to see this guy, do it, he puts on quite a show. He used to be in Golgol Bordello and is playing with them in D.F. while I am in Guadalajara. Que lastima!
Check this cartoon I saw on MTV Latino yesterday. Super Mosca Bonzai!
Hermana grande and I are about to head out to the cemetery for the last day of the dead. Then we might check out the Mexican Comic Book Museum in the Zocalo. Is my trip ever gonna not be awesome??
!! good post. keep keepin us up on the culture quirks and places to visit.